Online workshops is our offer for anyone who can’t or needs not take part in our longer workshops, enabling participants to learn all the intricacies of the technique of choice but would rather focus on one of its aspects (or on the very beginnings) without the need to travel to Gdynia.

All the workshops take between 4 and 6 hours and are taught as a video conference which enables free communication with the instructor and other participants as well as a free exchange of opinions.

Making a black and white print

For many of us the current revival of film photography is limited to shooting film which is then scanned or, at best, to commissioning prints from a lab. While this works fine for many purposes, it also takes much,...

Advanced albumen and salt print

The salltprint and the albumen print are the two processes that almost totally dominated the first decades of photography, especially in Europe. No wonder that these techniques were developed over years, perfected. After years of mistakes diminishing their permanence,...

Advanced saltprinting

Most of us associate the saltprint with Talbot and his prints made from paper negatives. We think of saltprints as images of low contrast, we remember about difficulties with getting clear highlights. Consequently many of us are slightly sceptical...

Pinhole photography

Pinhole photography (also known as camera obscura) is one of the most primitive and at the same time most flexible types of photography. A pinhole camera can be made of almost anything; pictures have been taken with kettles, water...

The albumen print

The albumen print is the unquestionable queen of the 19th century, a technique  that was used to produce dozens of millions of photographs all over the world. It was a technique that was so popular that it remained in...

The Saltprint

The saltprint, also known as talbotype, is one of the oldest photographic processes and the first process that made it possible to make prints from negatives. And even though it is a truly old process, in knowledgeable hands it...

Cyanotype on unusual surfaces: wood, glass and metal

Cyanotype is one of the most versatile photographic processes, enabling the photographer not only to exercise a considerable level of creativity in preparing the light sensitive materials and preparing the surfaces on which the pictures will be printed but also...


Join our online workshop and learn one of the oldest photographic processes, the cyanotype, invented in the early 1840s. Cyanotype is an extraordinary process enabling the photographer to print fabulous, blue photographs of excellent permanence (we still have the...

Vandyke brownprint

Vandyke brownprint is one of the beautiful photographic processes coming from the 19th century, a process allowing us to make prints at home, without a professional darkroom or complicated equipment. Differently than the other popular process from the past,...