salt and albumen print

These two closely related processes dominated the early years of photography to such an extent that most of us don’t even realise other processes existed simultaneously. Literally millions of photographs were made with their use every year, a whole industry catered to the needs of photographers working with them and the albumen papers remained in production and commercially available for a whole hundred years. Even the characteristic colour of the salted paper and albumen print is now seen as the characteristic colour of 19th century.

Above all Silver

The 19th century was undoubtedly the most stormy and dynamic age in the history of photography. It was not just the century when photography was invented but above all the time when nearly all the photochemical processes ever used...

Salt and albumen print

The first print making technique ever was the saltprint, and the albumen print was the first technique that made a real, industrial scale career dominating photography for dozens of years. Suffice it to say, that just one factory making...