Pictorial photography – oilprint

If you have had enough of typical courses with participants diligently copying negatives previously prepared by the tutor and all leaving the workshop with identical pictures that are not really theirs; if you don’t want to go for a course lasting from 10a.m. till 6 p.m. where the cleaning lady pointedly enters the room half an hour before the end, we have a perfect offer for you.

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. Ⓒ Radosław Brzozowski

Join the workl of alternative photography learning the intricacies of one of the most important of them all, of the oilprint. Take part in a workshop during which you will not only work using the instructor’s negatives but will, above all, be able to prepare your own negatives that you will subsequently copy as oilprints with the help of an experienced instructor using the oilprint at the same time learning the secrets of the process and making your own art. Above all, the fact that the workshop lasts three days, it will not only offer an opportunity to learn the basics, but also to get practice in printing. Constant supervision and assistance from the tutor will make it possible to notice and eliminate errors as they appear.

Oilprint is one of the most important alternative processes, popular especially with the great pictorial photographers. It allows unrivalled manual control over the final appearance of the print combined with a wonderful rendition of details. Experience acquired with oil printing will also prove priceless when you try the sister process of bromoil.

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. Ⓒ Radosław Brzozowski

We will begin the workshop by learning how to prepare our own materials, especially the papers which will later be used to create the prints. After all, being able to prepare your materials well is one of the most important skills, without which one can hardly think of being truly independent. There will also be an opportunity to briefly introduce the technique and explain the mechanism by which an image is created.

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. © Radosław Brzozowski

The remaining time will be devoted to learning the secrets of oilprinting, mastering different approaches and methods of working with the process; each of them allowing the photographer to achieve different results. There will also be an opportunity to print your own digital negatives so that in addition to learning the process, you will be able to produce prints of your own images.Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. Ⓒ Radosław Brzozowski

Just in case, practice negatives from the instructor as well as prepared papers will be available.

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. Ⓒ Radosław Brzozowski

All the necessary materials will be available as well as facilities needed to make prints. We will also have facilities for printing large format negatives from digital files so that the workshop will not be limited to the lucky owners of large format cameras.

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. © Radosław Brzozowski


The fee covers:

  • cold and hot drinks,
  • ready-made oilprinting papers,
  • watercolour papers suitable for oilprinting.
  • all the materials needed to prepare oilpapers and make oilprints,
  • printing inks and all necessary printing tools,
  • UV light source for exposing the images,
  • computer with image editing software for preparing digital negatives,
  • materials needed to print large format negatives from digital files (6pcs per participants),
  • constant assistance of an experienced instructor.
  • home made dinners
Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. © Radosław Brzozowski

Instructor:  Radosław Brzozowski

Language: English and Polish

maximum number of participants: 6

cena: 1190 PLN (approx 260 eu). 

Date: 25-27 February 2022

Location: Akacjowa 1, Trąbki Wielkie, Poland

 Nearest airport: Gdańsk Rębiechowo.

About the location: The workshop is held in my private lab, some 30 km away from the nearest airport and some 20 km away from the train station. The place is easily accessible not only by car, but also by bus.

Link to buy: https://www.alternativephotographicsupplies.com/Fotografia-piktorialna-technika-olejna-p290

You might also enjoy a film showing one of our recent projects: https://vimeo.com/149867990

Pictorial photography - oilprint

Oilprint. © Radosław Brzozowski










  1. Good evening Radoslaw,
    Will you be offering your oil printing workshop at a later date?

    • Hello – there will be one coming in winter though it will be shorter and so less intensive

  2. Just done the “Oilprint Workshop” with Radek in Gydnia and it was absolutely first class.
    Cant wait to use his procedures and methods in the UK now that I am back and finally work out where I have been going wrong in the past. Thoroughly recommend his relaxed and informative methods of teaching and will certainly be going back again next year to try out his “Carbon Printing”. Also a great place to visit even if you are not doing the workshop. Thoroughly recommended.
    Allow plenty of time to spend an extra day in Gdansk where you can visit his Gallery and view his great images.

    • Thanks a lot for your kind words:) Will be delighted to see you at the next workshop


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