
Join the world of photographers passionate about the old photographic processes and take part in our workshop devoted to monochromatic gumprinting. Here you will discover the magic of the old processes, of photographs literally painted with a brush on pre-reated paper. Of photographs as painterly as no other prints, subtle and yet powerful. you will learn the trade of masters such as Steichen or Demachy.

Gum bichromate is one of the oldest photographic techniques, older than the silver gellatine print most of us know. At the same time it is a pictorial technique, allowing the photographer a considerable degree of freedom of manipulation while creating the final print and thus enabling him to create visual effects unavailable in other techniques. It was, one could argue, created as an antidote to the mechanical perfection of reproduction and lack of ability to manipulate the resulting image in the other early photographic processes and as such it still works perfectly in the age of mechanical perfection of digital photography.


© Radosław Brzozowski, gumprint


As it requires much more work than silver or iron based techniques, gumprint was, with time, almost entirely replaced by the much less time consuming silver gellatine print which, in turn, lost its position to digital images. Yet today, when we have become tired of the super saturated, technically perfect digital images, gumprint has once more proved to be a perfect solution.

Gum bichromate prints are unique and even their author is unable to make an identical copy; a quality that makes gumprints highly collectible and increases their value. The time and work required to create a single print also foster a special emotional reaction with one’s work.


Gumprint © Radosław Brzozowski

Our workshop is designed for all those who seek something different than the mechanical repetition of technically perfect, emotioneless prints, desiring the creation of each of their pictures to reflect their involvement and passion.


© Radosław Brzozowski, gumprint

The programme includes:

  • theoretical introduction,
  • preparing paper for gumprinting,
  • presentation of gumprints,
  • tips on preparing negatives for gumprinting,
  • making a multilayred gumprint,
  • assessment of prints made during the workshop.
  • detailed handout

The following will be available during the workshop:

  • All the materials required for gumprinting, including gellatine sized papers and necessary chemicals,
  • fully equipped darkroom,
  • workshop negatives for gumprinting
  • practice negatives,
  • facilities to print a digital workshop negative from participant’s own file (2 pcs),
  • hot drinks (tea and coffee),
  • home made dinners

What you will learn:

  • to prepare paper for gumprinting,
  • to prepare negatives for gumprinting,
  • to make a multilayered, monochromatic gumprint,
  • to prepare prints for display.

© Radosław Brzozowski, gumprint

Duration: 16 hours (Saturday – Sunday)

Number of participands: 6

Instructor: Radosław Brzozowski

Language: English and Polish

Price: 990 PLN (approx 220 euros). 

Date: 18-19 May , 2023

Location: Trąbki Wielkie, Poland

Nearest airport: Gdańsk Rębiechowo, Poland

Link to buy:



  1. These workshops look fantastic. Disappointed to find they are not based in Scotland. Will have to think about a Polish holiday.

  2. I am currently looking for flighttickets – what time does it start and end at friday and Sundby?
    Best Regards

    • It starts at 5 p.m. on Friday and ends at 6 p.m. on Sunday
      best regards


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